Authors are invited to submit their original research contributions (including significant work-in-progress) on membrane computing, its applications and related subjects. Papers (of reasonable length) should be formatted according to the usual LNCS article style. Submissions have to be sent through the EasyChair web page:
There are two tracks for submission:
- Full paper of a reasonable length,
conventional contribution
- Extended abstract for poster presentation,
maximum four pages. Typical extended abstracts present significant work-in-progress, late-breaking results, or initial self-dependent contributions of students new in the field. Please indicate in the comments for the submission that this track is used.
All submissions will be reviewed by at least three referees. To ensure inclusion of an accepted contribution into the (pre)proceedings volume, at least one of its authors must be registered for CMC11. The pre-proceedings volume will be available during the conference. The final proceedings, a volume in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, for selected and additionally refereed papers (and eventually for best posters), will be published after CMC11. Details will be given during the conference.